Writing a dissertation appendix is important as this section elaborates all the important documents used. A document such as dissertation, overstuffed with information, struggles hard to find the attention of the reader. Appendix writing eases the process of navigating through important information. Though the content of this section are non-essential, still dissertation appendix provides an overview of the documents and data presentation tools that are used in writing a comprehensive dissertation.
What To Include In The Appendix Of A Dissertation
Dissertation appendix includes all those research tools and data presentation techniques that you have used for making the information presentable. Thus, you can include data presentation tools such as:
- Tables
- Graphs
- Questionnaire
- Interview record
- List of abbreviations used
- Figures
- Block diagrams
- Flow charts
- Apparatus details
- Photographs
- Letters and emails parts
- Description of research instruments
- Explanation of statistical calculations, and many more.
- The contents of appendix in dissertation vary from subject to subject and provide a separate section to display all the behind-the-scene materials that, if stated in between the text, may interfere with the flow of information.
Is There Any Ideal Size Of Dissertation Appendix? Let’s Find Out
Well, the answer to this question is - ‘No’! The dissertation appendix can be as long as the need of the work is. You may write appendix in as many words as you want keeping the brevity of information in mind. Writers however prefer to make the appendix as concise as possible. But this decision is totally subjective. If you find it difficult to write an appendix, refer to our writers and seek all the help you need.When To Use Appendix In Dissertation
Appendix in dissertation is required when a number of information tools are used in the course of writing the main content. The onus of keeping the reader engaged throughout the dissertation makes it imperative for the student to include appendix in it. Refer the appendix sample written by our dissertation experts for better understanding. Here are some conditions when you should go for appending informative pieces in dissertation:- When the additional material makes the main body too lengthy to read, appendix provides required extra space
- When the material spoils the flow of information and takes away the attention of the reader, it is better to put it in appendix
Examples Of How Students Use Appendix In Dissertation
One of our writers shares that she used appendix in her nursing dissertation for displaying the photographs taken from other source. In-text reference and the labelling of photographs was done to assure the authenticity of work. Also, questionnaire used for gathering information from the patients was also included in the appendixAnother dissertation writer shares that appendix served the purpose of explaining the code used for making a computerized model. He says that the code within the body was just disrupting the flow of dissertation and thus, code and other related observations when mentioned in appendix made the thesis interesting to read.There are plethora of dissertation appendix samples available in libraries and past work that can help you in writing this section correctly.How To Format The Dissertation Appendix
The dissertation appendix can be formatted keeping following things in mind:- Where to place appendix: Mostly, it is placed after the references
- Each appendix starts in a new page
- Appendices need to be arranged in the same sequence as it appears within the text
- Appendix should be mentioned in table of content, if it is added.
Why Global Assignment Help For Writing Dissertation Appendix
If you are looking for the most reliable help to write dissertation appendix, then share your requirements with us. Our team is one of the best in the industry and offers excellent quality dissertation comprising of all the sections that you want to include in it. Call us, write an email to us or just contact our online experts over chat, and kick away your fear of writing appendix of dissertation.
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